Posts Tagged ‘ investor ’

Dreams of my own personal “Entourage”

I absolutely love this show and own all of the seasons on DVD.  I watch them repeatedly for inspiration.  Ari is just a maniac and I love watching the whole process of a deal happening and what it takes in order for one to get done.  To me the show is about much more than just some young rich movie star hanging out in Los Angeles with his boys.

Whenever I’m dragging ass or feeling down on myself, I’ll pop in a DVD from one of the seasons and just watch and think about how great that life would be to live.  Having the nice houses and the nice cars, being able to buy practically anything your heart desires on a whim and just having the feeling of “young and successful,” but my outlook has changed so much on what acquiring wealth means to me.

5 years ago it was about money, Ferrari’s, diamonds and cash.  Now it’s about humility, humbleness, freedom and giving back.  This is not to say that I wouldn’t love to one day own and drive an exotic sports car, but that is nowhere near the top of my priorities list right now.

The mailers I mailed over the weekend have not generated 1 call thus far.  There were almost 100 total and they went out on Saturday.  Again, these were based on a list that we weren’t really sure would work so if it doesn’t work I honestly won’t be too upset about it.  It will just be a learning experience from which I’ll know not to do those types of direct mail campaigns again.  It cost me time and postage, that’s it.

More importantly, I’m doing a new mailing this week based on a list that I know other real estate investors target and have used with success in the past so I’m more anxious to see what happens here.  These are all hand-written mailers so they take all fucking day and it’s monotonous as fuck.  There are places I can send my list to in order to have them done for me, but I’m obviously trying to keep expenses down until I know it works.  I have about 880 names to mail to and I sent out 30 yesterday and another 50 today.  My goals and plans for this week are to get 50 a day out until all 800+ names are done.

From my research the mailer should give me a 10% response or close to that which is 80 calls.  Will that happen?  Who the fuck knows, but I’ve done all the research I can and I just have to try it on my own to find out.  This upcoming weekend is Memorial Day and I’m not sure if that will affect things, but I’d like to start seeing some calls trickle in by the end of the week.

I also made a personal decision not to drink anymore.  I started up again for awhile and was going out routinely.  Not only do I NOT have the money to be wasting at the bar but things are coming down to the wire here and I need to keep my head clear.  Life contains a shitload of highs and lows but when you hit a low the worst thing you can do is start with the booze; it’s something I realized and put a stop to.

I think the hardest thing of this marketing campaign has been reading and seeing countless testimonials online on how different people are all getting fantastic results from the same exact direct mail campaign.  Yet here I am for hours a day, writing these fucking things out, and have yet to receive 1 phone call.  If it works for them it has to work for me right?  I mean what the fuck?!  Am I cursed or something??

Whatever, that’s not important.  What is important is getting that first phone call, and getting that first deal.  From there repeating the process and earning some cash.

If I can do that, my life will change and I need a change desperately.


Goals and plans for the week of March 28th

It’s Monday morning and here’s the situation. 🙂

Not much has changed since my last blog post.  I spent the entire weekend just relaxing at my apartment.  I laid by the pool a few times and got some color and did my usual weekend workouts.  I got a lot of errands done and had a productive weekend for not doing any work.

Today my business partner has an appointment to get looked at by his doctor who’s going to tell him they are going to do the surgery on Wednesday or Friday.  We are obviously hoping for Wednesday but it depends on what the doctor says.  He really can’t do anything until he gets it taken care of and I’m trying to stay as busy as possible but there is only so much I can do until he’s 100%.

I’m continuing to pull comps and practicing my “valuation” on subject properties.  There is a very strict criteria that needs to be met in order for us to invest in a subject property and you go through a lot before you find a possible deal.  The more practice the better and that’s what I’ve been doing.  We’re about 2 weeks behind due to his health issues but I’m not stressed about it because there is nothing I can do.  It’s out of my control and one thing I’m trying to getting better at is not worrying about something that is out of my control.

Once he’s back on his feet we’ll start making offers and we’ll know if this thing is going to work or not.  The marketing works great so it’s safe to think that the other aspects should work as well if we do them correctly.

One thing I forgot to mention in my last blog post was that I got a call from an investor we were working with last week.  It was a guy who we thought was interested in the older investment we were offering but he never got the funds together to invest and we just eventually wrote him off and stopped contacting him.  After a month of no contact he called me out of the blue and asked if I remembered him.  He basically said that he still wants to invest and is committed; he is just having trouble getting the funds together.  The guy is a 100% disabled veteran and it sounds like he’s starting a real estate investment fund for himself as well as other disabled veterans.  Getting the paperwork, grant money, non-profit status and everything else set up has been taking time but he did say he is planning on sending his business through us and he’ll contact us when he’s ready.  It was good to hear and it would be nice if we end up doing business together, but at this point I’m not holding my breath.  We’ve been talking to this guy since last year.

In terms of our existing endeavors we both feel good about the overall plan and what we intend to do, but we won’t be 100% convinced until we close that first deal.  At this point nothing else matters.  After my business partner is healthy we cannot have anymore distractions or anything affecting our ability to hit our goal.  All of our focus has to be on getting that first deal closed because once we close 1, we’ll be convinced it works and will close another, and another, and so on…

The first deal is always the hardest in any business and sales is all about momentum.  Unfortunately our momentum has slowed due to my business partner’s health issues so it’s up to us to get it going again.

I’ve been looking at properties in California more and more lately and I’m really fired up to make some money.  The residential housing market has pretty much bottomed out and there are steals anywhere.  If I want to buy in California I will have to do it soon because there are so many deals and real estate is so expensive there.  It’s providing some added motivation for me to earn some damn money so I can lay my roots somewhere and establish myself.

Will I move to California or stay here in Scottsdale?  I honestly don’t know.  I’m much happier here then I’ve ever been in the past but anything can happen.  1 year ago I would have said, “I’m moving,” without the slightest hesitation.  Now I’m more open to things happening and I understand that sometimes things aren’t that simple.  I could meet the woman of my dreams or simply have an amazing opportunity here where I am that I would be an idiot not to take advantage of; a lot can happen 8 or 9 months.

I think by the end of the year I’m going to have to seriously consider buying something though.  Rental rates are astronomical and I can buy a condo for what I’m paying here in rent and my mortgage payment would be almost half.

Anyways, I’m ranting now.  I hope you all have a great week and remember to stay positive and to set your goals for the week!  If there is anyone bringing you down or not being supportive, cut them out of your life!  Don’t surround yourself with pessimists; they are an entrepreneur’s kryptonite.


Cardio day at the gym, NCAA tournament, and random business crap

As usual, I’m typing up a blog post before I head to the gym to workout.  My workouts have been going great and today is actually an “off” day for me.  On off days I either don’t work out entirely or go to the gym and do cardio only; which is what I plan on doing today.

Aside from that I’ve been enjoying March madness and the NCAA tournament.  I graduated from UCONN and we’ve always been a basketball school so it’s good to see the team in the tournament a lot.  They beat San Diego State last night and now have a big test against Arizona in the elite 8 on Saturday.  Being that I live in Arizona, I think I’ll watch the game from home.  The bars are going to be packed with nothing but U of A fans and I’m not going to want to put up with their shit.  I’m probably the only UCONN fan in this entire state!

As far as work is concerned things are going well.  We had a pretty large speed bump yesterday and for half the day I was pretty bummed because it was a major issue and I didn’t know how we were going to deal with it.  After brainstorming with my business partner we came up with a great solution and we both felt much better afterwards.

Essentially we are going to have to close a few deals in the manner we discussed over the phone, and then after we do that, I’ll have to go to school to get my real estate license.  It will just make things easier in the future.  I’ve actually had it before in the past but let it expire because I was moving out of real estate and I was flat broke and declaring bankruptcy.  I simply couldn’t afford all of the costs/fees involved with keeping your real estate license.

As of right now I’m still searching online for possible subject properties that we should invest in.  I’m finding a shitload which is good.  There is certainly no lack of inventory available.  Originally I was planning on checking out some of these properties but I’m not going to do that until next week.  My business partner is getting his oral surgery on Wednesday or Friday of next week and there is no point in me looking at properties that might be sold before he’s even done with surgery.  I’m just going to wait until he’s better then start visiting properties and making offers at that time.

I feel good and I feel like we are going to close a deal once my business partner gets his health issues taken care of.  The marketing we ran went much better than expected and since that worked so well, there is no reason to believe that this other aspect won’t work.

So that’s all I got for right now.  Not a very exciting post, I know, but I wanted to write something.  To be honest I don’t know how much I’ll post until I start visiting properties and making offers.  From there things will pick up and get interesting.

Enjoy your weekends!

Finally laid to rest

The investor called me on Tuesday after I requested the documents from him, and after a 5-10minute conversation I was finally able to realize that he is 100% full of shit and it’s time for me to move on.  I got the closure I needed to put this fucker to sleep.

I’m not going to mention the specific thing he said that was a dead giveaway because there is no point dwelling on it any further.  It’s over and time to move on.

My business partner yesterday was in a funk so I told him I wanted to sit down with him this morning.  He was still upset about the investor situation but said he contacted the investor directly and got the closure he needed as well.  He has been dealing with other issues in terms of finances and I know it’s getting hard for him at home.  We got a lot of shit that was on our minds out in the open and I feel much better today.

So essentially, we are picking up where we left off and pressing forward.  We both need to be on the same page because this shit has to work and we have nothing else.  The thought of me getting a job and working for someone else makes me suicidal.  That’s not an exaggeration by the way; I’m dead serious when I say that.  On that notion alone I should be provided with enough motivation to make this thing work.

I have shit to get done so this is a short post but I wanted to update on what happened with the investor.  We’ve finally moved on and are looking towards brighter futures.


Just put me out of my fucking misery

Yesterday morning I received an unexpected email from this “investor” we’ve been in contact with for the past several months.  The last contact we had with him prior to yesterday was over 2 weeks ago.  He basically was not sending us the information we requested on numerous occasions so we made a proposal to him based on what was told to us over the phone.

The way we viewed it was; “he’s probably full of shit, but let’s take our best shot anyways.”

After not hearing back from him on our proposal my business partner and I sat down and decided to head in another direction within real estate.  Once we made that choice, I felt like a million bucks.  I just felt like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and I could now move forward and make some money.  I felt like I was no longer reliant on this “investor” for my success.

This past weekend I was working the entire time, and I got websites running for our marketing and was going through the necessary steps getting everything setup; then this email arrives and totally fucks my head up.  My business partner is also struggling with this because it puts us in a difficult situation.

If a deal is to be done with this investor, it will literally be a life-changer.  It’s not something that we will make a big commission on and that’s it.  It is something that will change my life forever because that’s how much money is involved.  So at the end of the day we don’t want to potentially ruin a deal from occurring if there is a chance.  If the deal does happen, we have absolutely no idea how much work is going to be involved which creates problems with what we are doing now.  We don’t want to spend or waste money on our current real estate venture when we aren’t 100% sure if we will be able to put in the time needed to make it successful.

In the email he said he is willing to send us the basic preliminary contract for our review and our attorney’s review.  Then from there we can make any adjustments or changes as needed.  We asked him to go ahead and do that and we are both waiting on that document now.

In the email he also stated that he thinks meeting is a good idea and he would prefer to come to Arizona.  He even gave a date range of the 3rd week of March in which he’d be willing to come down.  So it begs the question; “would he be willing to pay for a trip to see us, if he really didn’t feel a deal could be done?”  I suggested in our proposal that I’d be willing to fly and see him if need be but stated he rather come down here.

The problem is that the best way to handle situations like this, from my experience, is to keep busy.  Otherwise you will over-analyze shit and drive yourself crazy.  Unfortunately we are unable to keep busy because we’ve gone as far as we can go with our current venture without spending more money and we can’t waste more money unless we know 100% that it’s the direction we are heading in.

I almost feel as though we would have been better off if he never contacted us.  Who knows what’s going to come of this.  The guy is flakey and unreliable.  My business partner and I really aren’t sure what we are going to do.  If I don’t receive that document today I’m going to fucking lose my mind.  I don’t want to keep playing games with this asshole; my time is much too valuable.

I’m stressed the fuck out right now and there really isn’t much I can do except wait and see if he sends the contract…

Sunday before the gym, here’s what’s going on

So here’s the deal.  In my last post I was fairly down on myself just because of everything that happened with this investor douche bag.  Well right now I feel 100% better and have done a complete 180.

This new real estate thing we’ve started this week is really in-depth and thorough.  I feel that if we pursue it with 100% effort and follow all of the necessary steps we will be successful.  We started it officially last Wednesday and I’ve been putting in a lot of work since.  It just feels great to be busy again and to be in control.  The investor we wrote off entirely.  He never sent us the email like he said he would and we are just not going to waste our time initiating contact with him anymore.

Last Thursday and Friday I developed two web pages for our marketing; 1 landing page and 1 actual website.  We are going to start a direct mail campaign early this week and it will most likely go out on Tuesday.  Today I have to finish up some preliminary work and get some more research done, but this week will be busy for both me and my business partner.  In fact, we both will probably be busy from now on if things go well; God willing.

I had a meeting with him last week and we both stated that our goal was to have at least 1 deal pending in 30 days.  We had another meeting this morning and we broke down our goals for this week and what needs to be done.  He feels great and is excited and so do I.  It’s like we both had a “rebirth” of sorts.

On a completely different topic, my friend who was crashing on my couch has finally moved out.  After a month of staying here, he moved out yesterday.  I felt so relieved and it was good to see him go for both our sakes.  Now I don’t have anything slowing me down or holding me back.  I can press on with 100% effort.

One thing I need to do is update my goals and I keep putting that shit off.  I should set a goal of “updating my goals,” lol.  I’ll be sure to do that later today.

We have no other choice or option then what we are doing now so it has to work.  The good news is that we should know in a relatively short time period (30 days) if it’s going to pan out.  So I won’t be out on my ass if things don’t go well.  To be honest, I have a feeling they are going to go well and it’s going to be one of those things where we are going to say; “that’s it? Well that was easy,” after we close our first deal, and we are going to wonder why we didn’t get involved in this since the beginning.

I’m off to the gym in a bit, then back home to do some more work.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend’s people!  Peace.

So here’s the deal.  In my last post I was fairly down on myself just because of everything that happened with this investor douche bag.  Well right now I feel 100% better and have done a complete 180.

This new real estate thing we’ve started this week is really in-depth and thorough.  I feel that if we pursue it with 100% effort and follow all of the necessary steps we will be successful.  We started it officially last Wednesday and I’ve been putting in a lot of work since.  It just feels great to be busy again and to be in control.  The investor we wrote off entirely.  He never sent us the email like he said he would and we are just not going to waste our time initiating contact with him anymore.

Last Thursday and Friday I developed two web pages for our marketing; 1 landing page and 1 actual website.  We are going to start a direct mail campaign early this week and it will most likely go out on Tuesday.  Today I have to finish up some preliminary work and get some more research done, but this week will be busy for both me and my business partner.  In fact, we both will probably be busy from now on if things go well; God willing.

I had a meeting with him last week and we both stated that our goal was to have at least 1 deal pending in 30 days.  We had another meeting this morning and we broke down our goals for this week and what needs to be done.  He feels great and is excited and so do I.  It’s like we both had a “rebirth” of sorts.

On a completely different topic, my friend who was crashing on my couch has finally moved out.  After a month of staying here, he moved out yesterday.  I felt so relieved and it was good to see him go for both our sakes.  Now I don’t have anything slowing me down or holding me back.  I can press on with 100% effort.

One thing I need to do is update my goals and I keep putting that shit off.  I should set a goal of “updating my goals,” lol.  I’ll be sure to do that later today.

We have no other choice or option then what we are doing now so it has to work.  The good news is that we should know in a relatively short time period (30 days) if it’s going to pan out.  So I won’t be out on my ass if things don’t go well.  To be honest, I have a feeling they are going to go well and it’s going to be one of those things where we are going to say; “that’s it? Well that was easy,” after we close our first deal, and we are going to wonder why we didn’t get involved in this since the beginning.

I’m off to the gym in a bit, then back home to do some more work.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend’s people!  Peace.

Early Sunday morning thoughts

I woke up at about 7:30 this morning because I had a meeting with my business partner scheduled for 8:30.  After I got up I had a message from him that he wanted to reschedule for tomorrow so I got up early for nothing.

I guess it really doesn’t matter because it’s not like I would have gone out last night anyways.

The whole situation with this investor seems completely fucked and we are 90% sure he is full of shit.  He has not replied to my email and if we don’t reach out to him early next week I wouldn’t be surprised if we never hear from him again.  I’m fucking angry due to the amount of time we’ve wasted and his constant comments about “not wasting any ones time.”  Well if a deal isn’t done, he’s completely wasted 2 months of our time; unbelievable.

My business partner is planning on calling him on Tuesday but I doubt anything is going to happen.  Tomorrow morning we have our rescheduled meeting and we are going to discuss what we are going to do from this point forward.  I have that money from my grandmother and I’m sure my business partner has ideas, but I’m not going to spend it on some stupid shit.  We’ve tried 5 different real estate ideas, all of which he found and none of them worked, so my confidence is lacking.

I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do and spent the entire weekend thinking about it.  I’m wondering if it’s time for me to move on but I don’t know where to go.  I’m still hoping and praying that something happens with this investor, but it truly would be a miracle at this point.

I really have nothing else to say right now.  What a great fucking birthday weekend!

It’s my birthday today and I just want 1 thing

To close this deal, that’s it.

Unfortunately it’s not looking to good right now and who knows how the rest of today is going to pan out.  I typed up a proposal on everything we can do for the investor and just emailed it this morning.  Depending on his response, my business partner and I will call him on Monday to discuss.  If we end up needing to talk to him on Monday, we are going to kick his ass because the guy is just dragging his feet and not getting anything done.  I even said in the email that I’d fly out to see him if he is serious so we shall see.  He never sent the email with the info we were waiting on and at this point just seems like he is wasting everyone’s time.

The email literally said everything that could be said given the amount of information he had given us in previous conversations.  So if it can’t be done, at least I can honestly say to myself that I did everything I could and this guy was just full of shit.  Hopefully he reads the email and feels we can come to an agreement.  From there I’d fly out to see him and hammer this fucker out.

I turn 29 today which gives me exactly 1 year to hit my goal.  I think the thing that’s been most bothering me lately is that I don’t feel I’m any better off financially then I was when I first graduated college 6 years ago.  It’s a very frightening thought.  I’m single and don’t have any kids, so now is the time to take risks and chances but am I ever going to give this up or just keep struggling forever until I hit the big time?  My business partner is 61 and he doesn’t seem to be willing to give up so I guess that has to be my mentality as well.

There are a few things I know about myself and it’s what I’m constantly battling with internally.  I know that I absolutely hate working for someone else and that I’ll be miserable and 10 times more depressed if I get a 9-5 desk job.  I also know that the job won’t last much longer than 6 months before I end up quitting.  I just won’t be able to handle it anymore.

So getting a job would only provide some temporary supplemental income and nothing more.

I also know that the financial goals I’ve set for myself will never be achieved working for someone else, so again it’s hard for me to stay motivated and happy if I end up getting a job.

I know that I love being my own boss, I love having the freedom to make my own decisions and I know that numerous friends and family members believe in me and sincerely feel that I do have what it takes to make it big.  I do not think they are just saying things such as “you can do it,” without really meaning it.  My friend, whom is living on my couch has told me numerous times that he does not feel I’m a “salesman” per say but rather a businessman/business owner and he does think I have the intelligence to own and run a successful company.

My family continues to support me despite my financial struggles and you would think that if anyone were to tell me, “Cut the shit and get a fucking job,” it would be my father or my mother; yet they never said that.  They keep telling me to not give up because they believe…

I believe too but my perseverance and self-resolve is definitely being tested and is wearing thin.  Even if I don’t make a million dollars over night, I need to at least see some steps in the right direction and so far that hasn’t been happening at all.  Time has just been wasted and no progress has been made, however this might all change with the email response I get from this investor; who knows.

By Monday I will know without a doubt if this thing has any chance of survival.  If it doesn’t then I need to begin thinking about what I’m going to do from that point forward.

I just have to believe with unwavering faith that I have what it takes and that it will happen soon.  I have to believe it undoubtedly to be true; there is nothing more I can do.

How much of life do you control and how much is destiny and/or fate? Self-reflecting on my uncle’s suicide…

This is probably going to be a long rambling post but who gives a damn.  It’s my blog and I can write whatever I want.

The conference call yesterday really didn’t go well and it basically brought to light everything that’s wrong with this current real estate deal we are trying to get done and this investor we are working with.  My business partner was so upset after the call that he wouldn’t even talk to me.  Instead he said he needed to clear his head and we would talk in the morning.

I went to the bar last night and had a couple of drinks by myself because I just needed some alone time to think about things and what I’m going to do.  It was the shittiest I’ve felt in a long time.

I just got off of the phone with my business partner about 15 minutes ago, and we decided what we are going to do.  Essentially we are going to make a proposal to this investor, given all of the criteria he provided us with.  We are going to propose that he sign a joint venture with us directly and we will send the business through our associate.  After our conference call yesterday, it does not seem as though handing him off to her is going to work so we are going to have to get creative.

There is 1 sticking point that I’m not sure if we are going to be able to get around.  If we can’t negotiate around it, the deal is dead in the water.  Not only that, but the investor has not given us the information we’ve been asking for the last 3 weeks.  One can’t help but think that even if we verbally agree to a deal, will he ever get the paperwork drafted?  If he can’t send a simple email, how can we expect him to send a contract?

All of these things create obvious problems and there is not much we can do about them.  As of right now, we are planning on emailing him a proposal(most likely before the end of the week) and then calling him on Monday to see what his thoughts are if he doesn’t reply to the email with a definite “yes” or “no.”

This entire situation really began to upset me on a deeper level because I began thinking about every business venture I’ve been involved with over the past 6 years and it seems everything I touch turns to shit.  Not 1 of these businesses flourished and upon deeper reflection I started wondering how much of my success/life is within my control and how much is just a matter of destiny/fate or good luck?

I’ve always felt strongly about; “your fate is what you make,” but there are obviously things that happen that are beyond your control and there is nothing you can do about it.  Let’s say hypothetically that you are in control of 95% of your life.  The 5% that you are not in control of, even though it’s miniscule, is the most important percentage.  It’s the piece that makes the investor say “yes;” that makes you randomly bump into your next business partner whom makes you extremely successful; that simply provides you with tons of sales while other businesses doing the same thing flounder and die.

That 5% is more important than the 95% that you control.

This essence of not having control is what really bothered me because I can do everything in my power and work my ass off toward a goal but at the end of the day that goal might not happen due to something completely beyond my abilities.  What if the invest says, “lets do a deal,” then dies in a plane crash tomorrow?

I’ve made numerous posts about the importance of this whole aspect in one’s life.  The ability to determine what you want from life, to make a plan of action, to take control, and to achieve it.  After our conversation last night my confidence was destroyed.

I’m not sure if I ever mentioned on my blog, but my uncle committed suicide in 2005, my last year at college.  For whatever reason, while I was wallowing in misery last night, I began thinking about him and it finally hit me like a ton of bricks.

He took his own life because it was his choice, his control, and for whatever reason the things that led up to that point; the years of depression and sadness he probably felt were unavoidable.  A lot of the things he probably could have avoided, but like I mentioned earlier that 5% that he was unable to avoid happened to be the most important part of his life and eventually it drove him over the edge.

I’m not feeling sorry for myself; I feel that’s a waste of time and energy.  I think I would just like for something good to happen that I was not in control of to show me that I deserve everything I’m working towards and that my time to live the life I’ve always dreamed of, is now.  I cannot fathom the thought of living the next 6 years of my life the same way I’ve lived the previous; it’s been hell.

Specifics on what I’m trying to achieve during the conference call today

Later this afternoon my business partner and I have a conference call scheduled with our business associate on what’s going on with this investor.  We still have not received the info from him and I don’t think we are going to.  I think he basically feels as though we need a better exit strategy for the investment and until we can provide him with that, he isn’t going to send us anything.

Like I mentioned in a previous post, we came up with what we think is a good solution and we are going to see if it’s something our business associate can do.  If she verbally says she thinks she can, I will run the idea by the investor to see what his thoughts are and take it from there.

If the investor says “yes,” then we really need to kick his ass to get moving because we’ve wasted enough time discussing this over the phone and it’s time to get shit in writing.  The longer this deal drags on, the more I’m beginning to think that my business partner and I are going to have to sign a joint venture with the investor ourselves, and then send the business through our business associate.  The reason why I feel this way is that I know we are going to have to continue pursuing this investor aggressively and if we simply hand him off I don’t think anything will get done.  Plus, we need to be kept in the loop and the only way we can be sure of that happening is if we are in constant communication with the investor.

These last two weeks, if we weren’t the ones initiating contact with the investor, we would have gone absolutely crazy.  It would have just been too much for us to handle and we would have been hounding our business associate constantly in regards to “what’s going on?”  We would have driven her nuts and it just wouldn’t have been a good situation.

So the goal today is to see what her thoughts are on the situation and where she is coming from.  Depending on what she says will allow us to make a decision on how we’d like to pursue things and hopefully get the process started with the paperwork.  Before the end of the month I need to see some major progress in the right direction; which only gives us the remainder of this week to get something done.

Also, this week’s events are going to give me a lot of insight on whether or not I should fly out to visit this investor.  I do plan on going out to see him, but when I go and how I go about it is the important thing.  The goal of the trip is to let him know we are serious, to actually show him who he is doing business with and ease any concerns he might have, and lastly try and get him to commit and possibly close him.  The timing has to be right for the visit and later this week I think I’ll have a better idea as far as a good time to go out there.

That’s all I have for now, but depending on how the conference call goes I may update later today.  If not then I’ll most likely update tomorrow.
